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You can play the Player Advantage slot machine right now. The link below will create an instance of the Player Advantage Slot Machine using the payout table and Max Bet of the current simulation.

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Player Advantage Slot Machine - Simulation

This page simulates the results of a Player Advantage slot machine. Through the Inputs section, you have total control over the PayOut Table, Maximum Bets, number of spins to simulate, even the behavior of the Player. For example, you can set the 'betting strategy' so that the player always bets the Max, always bets the Min, bets Randomly, or uses an Optimal betting strategy where the player bets the Maximum Bet Allowed when a Win is coming and the Minimum Bet Allowed when a Loss is coming. Remember, with the Player Advantage slot machine, the player will be told, prior to placing the bet, whether a Win or a Loss is coming on the next pull and will likely adjust their bets accordingly. The simulation is run using four separate Maximum bet values so you can compare the results.

Simulation Results

Conditions for the current results were as follows: 10,000 spins were run using the Optimal betting strategy with Maximum Bets set to 1, 2, 3, and 4. The minimum bet was set to 1. The Payout Table can be seen below.

RESULTSMax = 1Max = 2Max = 3Max = 4
Return to Player: 80.92% 90.01% 93.52% 95.37%
Total Amount Wagered: 10,000 17,979 25,958 33,937
Total Amount Paid Out: 8,092 16,183 24,275 32,367
Ending Bankroll Balance: -1,908 -1,796 -1,683 -1,570

This graph shows the player's Bankroll (starting at 0) over the course of the run.


This form displays the inputs used for the results above and can also be used to change the inputs for the next simulation.

Betting Strategy:
Optimal: Player will bet Min when a loss is coming, and Max when a Win is coming.
Always Max: Player bets Max every time
Always Min: Player bets Min every time
Random: Player will bet a Random amount between Min and Max each spin
Number of Spins:
Minimum Bet:
Max Bet A:
Max Bet B:
Max Bet C:
Max Bet D:
RNG Upper Limit:The upper limit of the RNG

Payout Table

Payout Table. This form diaplays the payouts and frequency percentages for the current run and can be used to make changes for the next run.

CategoryValueExpected Frequency %
Must add up to 100
Actual FrequencyComments

Must be set to 0, this category represents a complete loss for the player.

Determines the percentage of spins that will be a total loss for the player.
This category is designed to be a loss with 0 pay out and a minimum bet with Optimal betting strategy.
Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.1 means that the player will 'win' 0.1 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.9 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.25 means that the player will 'win' 0.25 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.75 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.33 means that the player will 'win' 0.33 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.67 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.5 means that the player will 'win' 0.5 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.5 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.66 means that the player will 'win' 0.66 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.34 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.75 means that the player will 'win' 0.75 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.25 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.8 means that the player will 'win' 0.8 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.2 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.9 means that the player will 'win' 0.9 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.1 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.33 means that the player will 'win' 0.33 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.67 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.33 means that the player will 'win' 0.33 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.67 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.66 means that the player will 'win' 0.66 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.34 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.66 means that the player will 'win' 0.66 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.34 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.5 means that the player will 'win' 0.5 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.5 goes to the casino.

Payout is less than 1. This is counted as a 'Win' and a Maximum bet is used for Optimal strategy.

In this case, 0.5 means that the player will 'win' 0.5 on a 1.00 bet and the remaining 0.5 goes to the casino.

Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player
Win for the Player

Win/Loss Distribution and Hit Percentage

This table displays the Win/Loss Distribution and Hit Percentage details fr the current simulation.

Losing spins:20.21%Loss
Payout equals 0. Counts as a Loss.
Losing 'wins':62.74%Win
Payout is less than the wager. Counts as a Win.
Push 'wins':8.31%Win
Payout is equal to wager. Counts as a Win.
Winning 'wins':8.74%Win
Payout is greater than wager. Counts as a Win.
Total Hit Percentage:
Player is told a Win is coming 79.79% of the time and will likely bet the Max and will be very unlikely to walk away.

Return-to-Player and Standard Deviation

Return to Player calculated based on Payout Table (as opposed to caculated based on the simulation). Standard Deviation. Expected RTP ranges for 10,000 spins and 1,000 spins. These values wre calculated using the standard mathematical models. They do not take into account the Optimal betting strategy.

Calculated Return to Player:80.74%

This is calculated based on the Payout Table and was NOT based on the simulation. Simulated RTP values are listed above.
Standard Deviation: 2.3306
Volatility Index3.8455
Expected RTP Range (10,000 spins)76.89% - 84.58%
Expected RTP Range (1,000 spins)68.58% - 92.9%

Ancillary Raw Data

This table displays additional data collected on this run, per Category, including the actual number of 'hits', the Pay Out Percentage, the 'Position' (how much was won or lost ), and the Pay Out.

CategoryActualActual PercentPublished Pay OutPosition (Max 1)Position (Max 2)Position (Max 3)Position (Max 4)Paid Out (Max 1)Paid Out (Max 2)Paid Out (Max 3)Paid Out (Max 4)

Sample PayOut Tables

Sample PayOut Table Configurations
As with all slot machines, it is the PayOut table that determines whether the player will win or lose over time. The same is true for the Player Advantage slot, it is the PayOut table that determines if the player will win or lose. To prove the point, here are a few sample PayOut table configurations.
StandardA standard, playable, typical game
Death to PlayerThe player will lose his shirt and his house. We probably wouldn't put this in the casino. It is just to demonstrate that we still control the Payout Percentage with the Payout Table and Max Bet, NOT the win/loss.
Player's ParadiseThe Player will beat the house. Again, this is NOT something we would put on the floor. It is just to show that it is the PayOut Table and the Max Bet that detemine if the player will win or lose, NOT if we tell them if they will win or lose.
30 MinutesSimulates a 100 spin, 30 minute session on the Standard payout table.

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